
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Proverbs 13:5
A righteous man hateth lying:
But a wicked man is loathsome, and cometh to shame.

Linguistic note: The literal translation of the fist clause reads: The righteous person hates the false word…(the word ‘word’ is ‘davar’ as in : In the beginning was the Word).

With so much doctrinal differences between churches, congregations and even people, it is easy to want to desire settling for some sort of belief about things. This allows us to be able to start moving in some direction in peace and consistency. This also gives us a niche; some sort of ‘home base’ to work from. It is not bad in itself as we need to stake somewhere in order to start building our lives. Eventually, though, once the dust settles, our love for the Truth, and mostly our hatred of lies we should give us the hunger to reassess ourselves; to redefine and check if we are on the right track about things.

This is not a question of self-righteousness. It is not a proud ambitious desire to be better than everybody and having an edge on others. This attitude should be born of an undying irresistible love for the Truth of God, as well as of a violent negative allergic reaction against lies.

It is not enough for a gardener to love flowers; he must also hate weeds. The weeds of falsities in our lives make us loathsome to God and if we do not rid them from the garden of our heart, when Yehoshua comes back to gather His Bride in the end, we will come to shame.

Let not therefore be spiritually lazy. Let us be willing to constantly reevaluate our doctrine, belief and standards on certain things. Let us be always willing like Abraham, to leave the old behind and look forward into the new with no regrets for the past. Let us be new creatures daily, born again each day into the new truths He shows us from His throne. Let us daily, as we come to His Temple, be willing to lay on His altar the temporal knowledge we think we know and allow His eternal truth to birth in our hearts.

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