
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Monday, June 30, 2008


Proverbs 13:4
The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing:
But the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

The Creator gave us this temporal corruptible physical world as a shadow of the eternal incorruptible spiritual one. Therefore the truths imbedded in the principles of our daily lives represent teachings of spiritual realities.

The soul of the indolent desires the good things of the world but never can attain them because they are obtained through diligent work. Forever he wishes his soul to indulge in the fatness of the land, but he can only sit and play victim for his poor lot. He blames everything from his traumatic childhood to the government just to excuse his laziness.
But whereas he excuses himself from being all he should or could be, will Yahweh excuse him?

The same works with spiritual realities, or so Yehoshua teaches us. In His discourse on millennial preparations, Yeshua compares those attending his final wedding feast to ten virgins. Those are like the ten friends of the bride found in traditional Jewish weddings. . The bridegroom always arrived at an unexpected moment in the night on a white horse to ‘rapture’ his beloved. These ‘bridesmaids’ therefore were to keep themselves alert and ready to attend the party at any time the bridegroom arrived. They were to keep their oil lamps full and trimmed so as not give black smoke. They were also there to be support, help and friends to the bride. Oh, how they wanted to be there with a part of the wedding feast. But some became indolent. They did not keep alert, awake and waiting. And worst of all, they had not gathered enough oil to last the long wait through the night. When the bridegroom arrived, he was disgusted at their lack of diligence towards such an important event, so he kept them out of the wedding party.

Even so today, the Bride, the bridesmaids, and all those to be guests at that great party are to prepare and get ready. We are to don the white robe of righteousness given to all those invited. We are to keep our wicks trimmed so our doctrine remains pure and does not emanate the black smoke of man’s erroneous teachings. Our lamps must be full of oil due to diligent faithful daily in depth study of His Words. Manna was given freely to the children of Israel, but they still had to go fetch and prepare it. Desiring without the ‘go-getting’ is vain.
May we be not found as the sluggard who desires so much, but receives nothing because of his lack of diligence.

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