I was laying awake last night when my thoughts returned to my reading in Par'shat Ki Tetseh about the inheritance of the first-born and the rebellious fist-born.
You see, I am a first-born and should receive double inheritance, but my decision as a teenager to become a disciple of Yeshua the Rabbi from Nazareth caused my family to reject me. Not only I did not receive a double share, but I didn't receive anything at all.
There is no problem though, because my riches are not of this world. If I stay faithful to Him, I will rule and reign with him in the World to Come and receive my double-inheritance in my Mashiach, who owns the cattle on a 1000 hills.
Mashiach Himself is a firstborn son. He is a king who was denied His throne: the throne of Israel. Like the rebellious son, He was accused of being a drunkard and a glutton and like the rebellious son was rejected by his brothers and made subject to the death penalty. The irony is that whereas He was not rebellious but obedient in all things even unto death, we are more like the rebellious son who deserves to die. He took upon Himself the just reward of our waywardness.
But Mashiach did not regard this present world. He had His eyes on the world to Come in which He will also receive His just inheritance: the throne of Israel, and with it: the world!
May it be soon Abba, even in our days!
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