As it is said, "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion."
As the lone voice of God crying in the desert sent Moses to Pharaoh, so today the voice of Messiah cries unto the Adversary: ‘Let my people go that they may worship Me’. As the plagues of God’s judgments fell upon a defiant Egypt, so also the torment of God’s retributions afflict an arrogant world. As many of the Children of Israel chose to stay in the seeming safety of the culture of Egypt, many whom God calls choose to stay in the elusive ‘dream’ of this world. As a great multitude of other nations followed Israel to the mountain where it would learn a brand new way of life, so today a great multitude follows the chosen few desiring to apply the Words of the Creator of Heaven and earth onto their lives (Exodus).
From the foundations of the world the plan for man’s redemption was defined and played out (Hebrews 4:3). The lone voice of God’s Word is heard (Exodus 3); the paschal ransom of our freedom is paid (Exodus 12;3); we leave the old country (Exodus 12:51); and we immerse unto rebirth (Exodus 14:29; 1 Corinthians 10:2) to go and meet God in a lonely place where we learn the parameter of our new life in Him (Exodus 20). Finally, as a new rewired individual we enter the Promised Land (The Pentateuch).
The problem today is that, while many hear the lone Voice of the Word (Psalms 103:20), they covet the beautiful prospects of the Promised Land so they leave and immerse themselves out of the old country, but they never go to the mountain. They never go and learn how to live a life acceptable unto Him. They therefore remain forever stuck between their old culture and the new one. Not having completely rid themselves of their past, they are not entering into the future. They are like the bride who left her father’s house and never got married. She heard the voice of the bridegroom, betrothed him, prepared for the wedding, but never went to the wedding ceremony nor to the bedchamber to consummate the marriage. Why? She wanted what the bridegroom had to offer, but without really ever belonging to Him. Marriages today are much the same way. People live together without really belonging to each other.
Is that the way we are with God? Do we want the blessings of His treasury but do not want to be His? Do we want the protection of His Right Arm while we refuse the ways of His Kingdom? Do we want the clout of being called by His Name, yet do not want to live in His house?
Today again while the voice and culture of the world grows darker and darker, the voice of the Master calling His Bride is made clearer and clearer. Let us together follow the trail that leads to higher moral and spiritual grounds. Let us be immersed unto the new life God has for us and follow Him to the lonely bedchamber at the mountain of His choice. When there, let us t bask in his loving arms allowing Him to renew our minds and hearts so we can enter the Promised Land of His house His forever as new creatures, a light of everlasting Life and a well of Living Waters for the nations.
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