
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Monday, January 04, 2010


Psalms 11:2,3
For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart. If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

Imagine poisoning the roots of a tree. The tree will still stand for a long time, pretty and strong looking as it always seemed. No one, except an expert, would notice that it was rotting from the inside, until after some months, or even years the tree stops bearing fruit, its branches become dry and brittle and eventually, the smallest storm brings it down.

If the foundations of our faith are poisoned, if the roots that hold our belief system lose their true value, if they carry in them the poisons of lies, deceits and hypocrisy, if they do not feed the tree anymore of the true life-giving nutritive sap to strengthen it, our tree becomes weak, unable to bear the fruit his owner desires. Starvation would provoke sterility and genocide. Existence would become useless and even dangerous as it would eventually dies and rot. The tree would then needs be cut down.

Is it then surprising that the enemy of our soul aims his arrows straight at the foundation of our faith, at the very beliefs that hold it strong—at our faith in God’s Words?

Satan has been at it since the beginning. In the Garden of Eden when he questioned Eve, hath God said. . . .? (Genesis 3:1), and his techniques have not changed. He does not negate the Words, oh no; that would be too obvious: he just changes the perspective with which we read them, thus we understand them differently.

May the Father, the Author and Finisher of our faith, help us and protect us from the enemies destruction of our faith through his meddling with the Word. May we have the courage, the strength to look the Word straight in the face, not sideways nor from the back but straight, to face it like a mirror, let it expose our erroneous ways and change us, let it freely flow into our souls to strengthen and give us Life.

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