
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Proverbs 18:18
The lot causeth contentions to cease, and parteth between the mighty.

What a ‘coincidence’ for this verse to fall on this American Veteran’s Day!. Let us today honor all those who died in wars. But how do we honor them? In the grave, what are the somber thoughts of those who died horrible deaths, of those who died blown up and mutilated? What are the thoughts of their wives and of their children? What conversation took place as they faced the Almighty God Who Himself is called the God of Hosts (armies). What do those who are on the other side think as they watch us continuing to immaturely solve our problems through such degradation of humanity, us who are supposed to be made in the Image (nature, character) of God?
How should we honor them?

Could we honor them by learning to find other ways to solve our issues, our requirements for space and resources? Could we honor them by learning to keep dreams alive that do not require us to shatter those of other’s? What dream requires such atrocities? War is the unraveling of civilization. In wars all virtues disappear and we become animals living by the sole instinct of self-preservation. Wars between humans only prove that somewhere something failed.
In the past, God has declared wars, and the future seems to indicate a repeat. In the end, the Messiah will come, and He Himself will fight the ‘War to End all Wars’. He will fight a righteous war, not motivated by selfish ambitions. He will fight for righteousness to vindicate all the victims of man’s inhumanity to man, and for the reality of the establishment of the only righteous and peaceful kingdom on earth:
His Father’s Kingdom.
The Messiah is the ‘Lot’ that causes contentions to cease. This verse tells us how people used to solve their unsolvable differences by including God in the discussion. They simply cast a lot in front of ‘God’ in the presence of witnesses and agreed to abide by its outcome. Thus they avoided a physical conflict.
Can we trust God’s decisions that much?

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