
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Psalms 1:5
Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

This is a day we will all face--the day when the books are opened and a true account is given for everything we’ve done and said. No more hiding; playing games is done and over with. No more pretending, bribing, begging, whining, or cajoling. The time for justifying ourselves using our favorite rationalizations, excuses and alibis is over. This is the day of the great accounting when the borrowed and stolen is returned, when only what’s truly ours remains. And what’s more, is that for any of us the game can stop at any time; we cannot count on tomorrow.

In that day, those of us who have not had our priorities straight, who have not meditated on the Word, soaked our roots deeply in the moisture brought us by the River (Psalms 1:3), will not stand in the brightness of God’s presence.

Whereas those of us who have faithfully lived off the spiritual nutrients offered by the River of Life, those of us who regularly sat at Yeshua’s feet like Mary, we will be able to stand with Moses on the Mount of the congregation and hear the voice of the Master say, well done , thou good and faithful servant;. . . enter thou into the joy of thy Lord (Matthew 25:21) .
We will enter without fear, with Yeshua through the veil, and into the Holy of Holies of the Presence.
We will enjoy the God whom we know has been with us day by day.
What a day that will be!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My pastor's wife always says, "I stand before an audience of One."