
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Proverbs 18:15
The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.
The English text lacks the subtlety of the Hebrew. A narration from the Hebrew version explains, ‘Understanding (prudence) will unable someone to derive knowledge on his own, but someone who lacks understanding (but who still has an ear for wisdom) , must rely on the wisdom he gathers from (prudent) others’. The idea taught here is that: to desire wisdom is a great thing, but without a prudent heart we must acquire this wisdom through the wise tutoring of others.
Knowledge can be a blessing or a curse. The universe’s laws of physics can be used to build or to destroy.. That is why our same wise author also advises us to not only get wisdom, but to also get understanding: Proverbs 4:7.
Because of our wicked hearts, even the knowledge of the liberating Word of God is often used to enslave and oppress. This is so sad. I think it is the highest form of blasphemy: to use the Word of God for despotic purposes. It is done by country leaders, by religious leaders and it is even done within the confines of people’s own homes, with over bearing parents imposing a somber legalistic view of religion.
Moses said that obedience to Torah, who calls Itself ‘Wisdom’ in Proverbs 8, is our Life. I would therefore advance the idea that any application of obedience to the Torah which does not produce life in its hearers, but instead produces oppression and bondage is erroneous. Within these parameters, we need to also acknowledge that either an over conservative or over liberal view of our obedience to Torah leads to oppression and bondage. The over conservative view leads to the bondage to man, the over liberal view leads to bondage to self or the devil. Within these parameters we therefore obtain the blessed wisdom of a ‘balanced balance’, which God loves since: A false balance is an abomination to God.
May we love to learn; may we desire wisdom; but Abba, grant us not to be so arrogant as to think we have to learn everything on our own. Give us the wisdom toe learn from those who ‘blazed the trail’ before us, that all our wisdom and learnings bring us life and freedom, not death and boundage.

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