
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Proverb 17:22
A rejoicing heart causes good healing,
But a stricken spirit dries the bones.

It is inevitable that accidents and sickness will happen, but our recovery is dependable on the condition of our heart. The heart is the center of our being. Its condition affects our every circumference. A healthy heart is therefore imperative for good healing.

What is a healthy heart? I am speaking of spiritual health because even the physical health of our heart depends of our spiritual condition.

First of all of course, a healthy spiritual heart is full of the presence of Yeshua. This Presence of course contributes to fullness of the Word and of the Spirit of His Shechina. Whether an individual is blessed with this Presence or not is easy to spot: it is seen in the attitude of the individual. A bottle full of perfume cannot emit one single drop of full odor, no matter how hard it shaken, even if it is thrown on the ground and broken. We can therefore prove the Presence in someone by their attitude in trials, tribulations and adversity. We can see how they inter act with their spouses and with their children. How the little aggravations of daily life affect them. Of course, this is to be assessed over a certain period of time, not a single event.

Sicknesses related to an unhealthy heart plague our society. From depression to heart failure going through every psychosomatic disease in the book, they are all related to fear, lack of faith, lack of love, lack of trusting God and living unhealthy lifestyles in our flesh and in our mind. They are all related to sin in our lives. The most pathetic thing of all is that in our present day mind frame, any pill the doctor prescribes is better than going back to the Father in a spirit of repentance. Just like the doctor, the Father may prescribe the bitter pill of a change in lifestyle, eating habits and even thought patterns, but we do not want to do that. We prefer to go to the doctor and take his pill which gives us a form of symptomatic healing while we are able to continue, and even excuse ourselves for our unhealthy physical and spiritual habits.

Only the Father through the healing presence of Yeshua can give us the right heart to heal us from the negative effects of our natural sinfulness. May we not only acknowledge Him in mind, but also may we let Him direct every step in our lives. Our heart is filled by through our eyes and our ears. May we contribute to our healing by letting Him direct every fiber of our being, screening everything we see, hear and yes, even everything we eat by the standard of his Words.

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