Proverbs 17:3
The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the Lord trieth the hearts.
The word for ‘fining pot’ is ‘mats’raf’: meaning ‘to change’, ‘to melt’, to refine’. The word for ‘furnace is ‘koor’: ‘to round’, ‘to destroy’. These are the words our author uses to define the Lord’s role in our hearts. What the pot is to the silver and what the furnace is to the gold, Adonai is to our hearts.
If we claim then to have given our hearts over to the Lord, our hearts will surely be seen to experience change, melting, refining, even rounding or destruction. It will not stay the same. By logical deduction then, if our hearts does not experience these things, if we study the Word and fellowship with believers but do not experience these changing elements in our lives, somehow we either are boasting of a condition which does not exist, or we are resisting its demands. Let us not do so.
Let us be soft metal in the hands of our Maker, in the hands of the great Refiner of our souls. May we allow His loving hands to crush, scour, purge, separate, mold and form our hearts to His Image. May we not resist the catalysts of change He brings to our lives. May we be found to be soft clay.
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