
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Thursday, March 05, 2009


Proverbs 16:13
Righteous lips are the delight of kings; and they love him that speaketh right.

A man is his endorsements. It is a sad thing that too many times we endorse what we please to hear. We have forgotten that God’s rule of law is absolute and unchangeable. That it doesn’t adapt to culture, times and situation. That it is the same yesterday, today and forever. We also have forgotten that God’s idea of justice is not relative to our way of thinking nor to how we feel about it, but that it is singular in its dogma. That it is the straight trainer stick to which our seedling is attached so we grow straight.

Those of us in the world who carry some form of responsibility towards others; those of us who are parents, teachers, religious and community leaders, we are types of kings. It is imperative therefore that we learn to endorse righteousness according to God’s Book. We have to delight in those who speak the truth and righteousness of God; we have to love, endorse and encourage those who speak the truth of God in His spirit of wisdom.

Our King Yeshua pleases in those who have righteous lips and who speak right. Let us therefore be found ‘guilty’ of righteous lips speaking right. Let us endorse King Yeshua so He in turn can also endorse us before men and before His Father.

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