
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Proverbs 15:4
A wholesome tongue is a tree of life:
But perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.

The Hebrew word used for ‘wholesome’ in this proverb is ‘healing’. Let us remember here that in the World to Come the Tree of Life will be accessible again for the healing of the nations.
The Hebrew word for a ‘breach’ is a ‘breaking’, not as beneficial breaking that provokes goodness, but as a breaking provoking insalubrities.
This proverb tells us that a godly tongue procures health while the ungodly tongue, sickness of the spirit.

I had to use my tongue to correct my son last night. He has bad habits concerning his school assignments, so I had to give him a tongue-lash. I had to use the weapon of speech to convict his spirit and demand that he fulfills his responsibilities. My sermonizing, haranguing, yelling and demanding were not for the mere purpose of exercising power and authority over him. Just as we attach a rod by a seedling to help it grow straight, my words were for the purpose of creating a rod that will keep my son grow upright. My tongue became the ‘rod of correction’, which hopes to force on him upright growth.
This is healthy.
This is tree of life for my son’s spirit.

On the contrary, the tongue that would allow leniency, deny retribution for sin and unfaithfulness is guilty of false pity. It applies a cicatrizing balm on a dirty untended wound. Later on, this wound may become an infected sore festering with puss.

A son may resent the temporary discomfort of the tongue-lash, but it is nevertheless health to his soul. May we, as mature Sons and Daughters of the Almighty, learn to appreciate the ‘tongue-lashes’ we receive from our Father in whatever form they come. May we learn to know that these are only premises of the Tree of Life which will eventually fully heal our spirits in the World to Come. May we, though them, learn to grow as upright citizens of the Creator’s Kingdom.

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