
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Monday, October 27, 2008


Proverbs 14:18
The simple inherit folly:
But the prudent are crowned with knowledge.

Our last three proverbs have one principle in common: careful scrutiny and meticulous self-evaluation are the characteristics of the righteous. Impulsive actions and superficiality are the mark of fools.

This Book where the Words of the Father are recorded, even before it found its way on sheep skins and parchments, was the first book to keep records of anything. It was the first book to be ever printed on Guttenberg’s press. This Book as suffered the most threats of any other book and according to logic should have been lost many times. Instead, it is today the most printed book and the yearly best seller. There are also more commentaries and information about this Book than for any other book. Yet, it is still the most misunderstood Book.

It seems that God certainly did His part in preserving the Book through the rage of the ages and in publishing it. What seems to have failed is our faithfulness to properly study it, all because of our simplicity. The answers to the most complicated issues of life are right there in front of our noses in the Book and yet, we do not see them. The word ‘simple’ in our text refers to one who is easily seduced and manipulated. He is easily seduced and manipulated because he doesn’t live consciously and prayerfully. Due to our simplicity and lack of depth, instead of true knowledge we, in the end, inherit folly and lies that sometimes we even claim come from the Book.

Let us cease from simplicity.
Let us turn off the entertaining media that lulls us into the sleep of death.
Let us walk for a change with the prudent.
Let us steer away from the glitter of popular preachers/speakers/entertainers and
let us learn from the sages; from the ancients whose spirit is matured by the prejudice of ignorant masses, and whose crown of knowledge is stained with the blood of martyrdom for the truth.
Let us leave behind the falsities of Babylon, Greece and Rome.
Let us walk with the Son Adam who died and rose, that we may with Him, die to our childish foolish simplicity, and rise in godly knowledge and maturity.

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