
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Proverbs 14:16
A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil:
But the fool rageth, and is confident.

Were we not in an election year at such a pivotal time of world history, this verse would not seem so significant. The onlooker watches world events unfold and cannot help but ask:
does history repeat itself?

About two millenniums and half ago, the kingdom of Babylon was so confident in its strength and destiny. God himself wrote on its palace’ walls. The prophet came to interpret the writing. Yet the people kept on partying and arguing over petty things. They had grown to such a state of lethargy, complacency, pride arrogance that God could have appeared in all His glory and screamed at their ears, they would not have heard.

Could this scenario describe this generation? Is the world so confident in its obviously failed and broken down systems that it does not see the handwriting on the wall? That it does not hear the prophet’s call? I have heard it said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. In its deafness to God’s voice, the world want to heal its financial woes by using the same ‘toxic’ financial methods that caused it to be sick in the first place. It may work with human biology, but unlike the human body, financial systems do not develop anti-bodies.

Can any prayer be prayed? Yes. A prayer can always be prayed. The prayer I pray today is that God may give us the spirit of the Wise Man who fears from evil, and delivers us from the confident arrogance of the fool.

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