
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Proverbs 14:10
The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.

This enigmatic proverb actually has a very simple meaning. The saying, “Every one knows where the shoe pinches him”, touches some on its message. Only the heart of man, the element in the center of his individuality, knows what brings bitterness to his soul. He only knows what troubles him, what brings him grief. That is why a ‘stranger’, one who is not ‘us’, cannot fully experience the joy that comes to us when these grieving elements in our life are superceded by the things that bring us joy.

This principle explains the relative properties of joy and happiness. One who has experienced hunger has a deeper appreciation for his daily bread; he is less picky about his food. One who has experienced loneliness is more grateful for the company others; he more easily overlooks their flaws. One who has seen the miseries of the world rejoices more when good news come his way; little joys are more easily found.

This principle is also true of salvation. The clearer we understand our sinful nature, the greater our joy of salvation. The better we understand the final end of our fallen spiritual state, the more we appreciate our redemption. The more, through the personal experience of persecution, we can relate to the sufferings of the Master, the more we appreciate what He has done for us.

A lonely woman recently died as her car crashed into the church of a small town in Western Oregon. She was unknown to most of the town’s people so for most, the story will quickly die as common daily news. A closer look at Linda’s life through the heart and eyes of the very few people who knew her, reveals a kind woman exposing the flaws of our spiritually broken and sick society. This woman was never noticed during her life, but now, in her death, she has made state news. Who was she? What happened? Will anyone ever know? Our appreciation of her earthly contribution in our midst can only come by knowing more about her, but we don’t know much. How many people on this earth, be they teachers, soldiers, firemen, parents, common folks like you and me are overlooked for accurate appreciation, just because we don’t know them?

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