Proverbs 14:12
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
In the very beginning, when God established the foundations of the earth and of the seas; when He established the boundaries of the cosmos, He also established the ways of righteousness. In His magnificent wisdom, the Creator of the universe imbedded the principles wherewith we are to live within the very elements and schedules of His creation; He taught us to live in rhythm and harmony with the world He created for us. According to His command, we are to live a 7-day work week; work 6 days and enjoy a rest in an appointment with Him on the seventh day. We are to start our twenty-four hour schedule at end of the day, our month with the new moon, and our year according to rain and agriculture in the place where He has set His Name. If we remember and follow this schedule, we will work in rhythm and harmony with the Creator of it all, and we would never be lost.
Sad to say, there are always people on earth who claim to know better than God. They are like immature teenagers who think they always know better than their father. Two thousand years ago, Julius Caesar, a sun-worshipper, wanted to change the calendar to honor his god. He proceeded therefore to create the solar calendar upon which our whole world depends today. A few hundred years later, a monk called Gregory, implemented this calendar for the whole Roman Empire.
God’s calendar is ruled by the stars in the cosmos. Imbedded within, we find not only the rhythm of the seasons, but alongside, we find the plan for the redemption od the world. Paul wrote to the disciples in Thessalonica that he did not need to teach them about the time of the coming of the Antichrist nor of the return of Yahoshua because he knew that they were familiar with the calendar that taught them these things. As a result he said: you are not of darkness, but of the light.
Without the light of God’s plan to lead us, we go establish our own form of righteousness in our own calendar and our own feast days. In the end, because we do not walk anymore in step with the Creator who leads us to life eternal, in our blindness, our way becomes the way of death.
May we rediscover the plan of the Almighty by rediscovering His calendar. May we be bold and courageous enough to step out of the ways of blindness leading to death through ignorance, and start walking in God’s life’ rhythm.
In the very beginning, when God established the foundations of the earth and of the seas; when He established the boundaries of the cosmos, He also established the ways of righteousness. In His magnificent wisdom, the Creator of the universe imbedded the principles wherewith we are to live within the very elements and schedules of His creation; He taught us to live in rhythm and harmony with the world He created for us. According to His command, we are to live a 7-day work week; work 6 days and enjoy a rest in an appointment with Him on the seventh day. We are to start our twenty-four hour schedule at end of the day, our month with the new moon, and our year according to rain and agriculture in the place where He has set His Name. If we remember and follow this schedule, we will work in rhythm and harmony with the Creator of it all, and we would never be lost.
Sad to say, there are always people on earth who claim to know better than God. They are like immature teenagers who think they always know better than their father. Two thousand years ago, Julius Caesar, a sun-worshipper, wanted to change the calendar to honor his god. He proceeded therefore to create the solar calendar upon which our whole world depends today. A few hundred years later, a monk called Gregory, implemented this calendar for the whole Roman Empire.
God’s calendar is ruled by the stars in the cosmos. Imbedded within, we find not only the rhythm of the seasons, but alongside, we find the plan for the redemption od the world. Paul wrote to the disciples in Thessalonica that he did not need to teach them about the time of the coming of the Antichrist nor of the return of Yahoshua because he knew that they were familiar with the calendar that taught them these things. As a result he said: you are not of darkness, but of the light.
Without the light of God’s plan to lead us, we go establish our own form of righteousness in our own calendar and our own feast days. In the end, because we do not walk anymore in step with the Creator who leads us to life eternal, in our blindness, our way becomes the way of death.
May we rediscover the plan of the Almighty by rediscovering His calendar. May we be bold and courageous enough to step out of the ways of blindness leading to death through ignorance, and start walking in God’s life’ rhythm.
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