
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Monday, August 18, 2008


Proverbs 14:1
Every wise woman buildeth her house:
But the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.

The depth of this saying is found in its cultural and etymological roots. The ancients qualified a wife/mother as the root and foundation of the house. Isn’t the unity of a household more dependent on the mother than on the father? A wise mother can, if her husband be dead or neglectful of his duty, always keep the house together; but if the house-wife has neither understanding nor good-will for her calling, then the best will of the house-father will still find it very difficult to prevent the dissolution or separation of the household. The mother always tries to get everybody to come back to the ‘nest’. She is at rest when she knows her brood is together in one place. The Hebrew word for mother, (eemah), literally means glue. Hebrew women used to take the remaining parts of animals, such as hooves and hides, and boil them in water. A thick substance would then float to the top of the water to be collected and used as glue. This was the word for ’mother’, the’ glue’ of a household. Yet, if that woman is not wise, she will have the total opposite effect.

As the Bride of Messiah, we also function as ‘mothers’. Teachers of the Body have the responsibility to ‘glue’ the body together in unity. This is actually one of the on-going missions of messiah, to re-unite together as one the greater House of Israel. It is sad when teachers, preachers and expositors of the Divine Word of the Almighty, like foolish women, use knowledge to draw people after themselves, and that, at the cost of the greater unity of the overall Body. This shows how little knowledge and understanding of the purposes of God they really have.

May we, those who have been given the responsibility of teaching His Words by the Almighty El-Shaddai, be like Moses of old, and do so in the spirit of bringing all the families and tribes of Israel behind the Lord Tsavaot , the Lord of hosts. Let us rally the troops behind one standard, one faith, one doctrine, one immersion in water, that we may all receive together as one body the reward allotted to those who follow Him in integrity and sincerity.

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