Proverbs 12:28
In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death.
Paul the apostle tells us of those who through fear of death are their lifetime subject to bondage.
It is amazing how we are willing to spend billions of dollars in research and rehabilitation programs in order to counteract the effects of our death/sin lifestyles. It is truly astounding to realize the length to which mankind goes in order to defy the natural physical, spiritual, moral and emotional deathly outcomes that comes from living an ungodly lifestyle. Really, the solution to all our problems is very simple and given to us: if we walk in the way of righteousness, we will not reap the effects of death.
This human attitude to want to defy God no matter what so well expressed in the Poem, Invictus: ‘My head is bloody, but unbowed’, reminds me of our youth today. Many would rather leave home; suffer uncertainty, poverty and even sickness just to obtain independence from being under the roof of Mom and Dad, and having to submit to a wiser authority.
God often uses children to exemplify the attitude of parents. As a parent, I have had to learn that parental attitudes, mostly negative ones, are often magnified in our kids. Could it be that our very attitude with God is also embodied in our contemporary problems with youth?
It is true that our children have free choice and that we are not always responsible for their final choices, but if we took the time to honestly compare the way they obey us and our wishes, to the way we obey God and His wishes as expressed in His word, how would we fare? We like to absolve ourselves from the idea that we disobey God by donning Him with this man-made robe of eternal unconditional grace and forgiveness, but is it how His Word represents Him? And does the overly ‘grace’ attitude we dress God with works when it comes to parenting?
Let us use the results of the questions in this little experiment to if we are walking in obedience or disobedience, in life or in death.
In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death.
Paul the apostle tells us of those who through fear of death are their lifetime subject to bondage.
It is amazing how we are willing to spend billions of dollars in research and rehabilitation programs in order to counteract the effects of our death/sin lifestyles. It is truly astounding to realize the length to which mankind goes in order to defy the natural physical, spiritual, moral and emotional deathly outcomes that comes from living an ungodly lifestyle. Really, the solution to all our problems is very simple and given to us: if we walk in the way of righteousness, we will not reap the effects of death.
This human attitude to want to defy God no matter what so well expressed in the Poem, Invictus: ‘My head is bloody, but unbowed’, reminds me of our youth today. Many would rather leave home; suffer uncertainty, poverty and even sickness just to obtain independence from being under the roof of Mom and Dad, and having to submit to a wiser authority.
God often uses children to exemplify the attitude of parents. As a parent, I have had to learn that parental attitudes, mostly negative ones, are often magnified in our kids. Could it be that our very attitude with God is also embodied in our contemporary problems with youth?
It is true that our children have free choice and that we are not always responsible for their final choices, but if we took the time to honestly compare the way they obey us and our wishes, to the way we obey God and His wishes as expressed in His word, how would we fare? We like to absolve ourselves from the idea that we disobey God by donning Him with this man-made robe of eternal unconditional grace and forgiveness, but is it how His Word represents Him? And does the overly ‘grace’ attitude we dress God with works when it comes to parenting?
Let us use the results of the questions in this little experiment to if we are walking in obedience or disobedience, in life or in death.
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