
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Monday, May 19, 2008


Proverbs 12:14
A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth:
And the recompence of a man's hands shall be rendered unto him.

This proverb associates the fruit of the work of our hands with the fruit of our lips. Knowing the author brings it even more meaning because King Solomon was not only known to be the richest man in his days, but also the wisest man.

While on earth, a man eats of the fruit of his good work. If he is faithful in his duties and responsibilities, if he is a good manager of his goods or if he is a faithful dependable employee, he will harvest a good crop or receive a good salary; who knows, maybe even get some bonuses.

It is the same with the fruit of our lips, only with greater ramifications. Our Lord and Master taught us, ‘by your words ye shall be justified and by your words ye shall be condemned’. In essence, this proverb teaches us that in the manner that the fruit of the work of our hands determines our reward n this world, the fruit of our lips determines our reward in the world to come.

In this day and age, everybody preaches something. Many spend their time trying to influence others in doing things and believing their way. Many proud and lofty words are spoken in attempts correct, justify, change, improve, and define the world around us. There comes a time when every word whispered in someone ears will be shouted on the rooftops. There now comes of judgment according to the words we have spoken.

When that day comes, may we be proud of our words; may they have been words that bring Messiah’s righteousness on earth in people’s hearts. May we be faced with eating of the fruits of our words with confidence, knowing that they are not poisoned with humanism and worldliness. May we come with boldness to Him who fed us of the fruits of his mouth, having offered the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The words we speak show what is in our hearts.