
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Proverbs 11:18
The wicked worketh a deceitful work:
But to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward.

Oh, for the Truths of the Almighty, may He be blessed forever. His inspired Word exposes the Truth. Like a clear case reveals the mechanisms of a clock, so His Words reveal the mechanisms of Heavenly wisdom; the wheels and gears that run the universe.

The wicked, he who refuses to know God, doesn’t see the mechanisms; he is blinded by his own righteousness and concepts. Because he rejects the love of the Truth, he creates his own form of righteousness. He promotes the legalistic rote rituals of empty religion, the deadness of the works of man, and the perverse lies of man’s ever-wicked heart. He exchanges the true simple wisdom of God for intellect. so he learns and never comes to the knowledge of the Truth; he works and is never satisfied; he gathers his money in bags with holes and at the end of the day, to his great dismay, he knocks at the door of the bridal chamber only to find himself rejected and in the sole company of his own deception.

Look now at his righteous anti-thesis. He pursues God with all his heart, so his eyes cut through the deceptive smoke screen of the world and see the underlying truths of the Word. Dead works cannot deceive him because he finds life in obedience to God’s commandments. His heart is bound to the simple wisdom of God, so he comes to the knowledge of the truth; he works and is satisfied; he gathers and enjoys his earnings and at the end of the day, to his great joy, his beloved Masters welcomes him in the bosom of Abraham and says, welcome good and faithful servant; enter into the joy of Yahweh.

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