
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Monday, April 14, 2008


Pro 11:25
The liberal soul shall be made fat:
And he that watereth shall be watered also himself.

Why are we so afraid to share ourselves? It is right to be wise in our giving but should we withhold that which God gave us only for the purpose of sharing? We have in Jesus our Messiah the epitome of the results of right giving: He poured out His own soul on humanity only to receive the anointing oil of kingship; at His death, waters for our purification poured from His side, only to be himself showered by the waters of resurrection.

We read promises of ‘ruling and reigning with Jesus’ in days to come, but do we realize what this ‘ruling and reigning’ involves? Any godly monarch, ruler or civil servant knows IT: his life belongs to the people he serves. Like Queen Elisabeth said of herself, he is married to the throne.

As an illustration, the Master gave us the parable of the talents. He who in this life is faithful with what God had given Him received rulership accordingly; but he who, through fear of loosing it, buried his talent, even that which he already had was taken away from him. Our ‘ruling liberalities’ in this life determine our ruling position in the next.

Some people serve unselfishly; they grab onto the vision they receive from His Spirit, and like the fire on the altar, never let it go out until it roars bringing warmth and light to all around them., even at their own cost. This provokes a sweet aroma in God’s nostrils. Others, in selfish laziness, bury their in the sand for fear of losing something if they share.

Here is the [perspective that we owe not to forget: We are pilgrims and strangers. We do not settle here; we are not citizens of this world; we are only passing through on our way to the Promised Land. We are not to build our life nor our comfort in this life; ig Yahweh gives it to us it is only as a bonus. This is the great test, and our attitude in today’s world determines our role in tomorrow’s.

We need to pray to find what God has given us to share, and share it liberally and sacrificially. Wee need to remember that we do not lose by sharing it , but that rather, it increases.

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