
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Monday, February 04, 2008


Proverbs 10:17
He is in the way of life that keepeth instruction:
But he that refuseth reproof erreth.

The Hebrew word used for ‘instruction’ in this text is actually ‘discipline; to ‘discipline’ means to train, educate, to disciple.

Anyone who has children knows that the subject of discipline is all encompassing. Children do not like to receive it, and parents feel intimidated to give it. Yet, the Bible tells that to give discipline is part of love, and it also tells us that to be disciplined is a sign of being loved.

It is obvious when children refuse discipline. With teenagers it is sometimes a bit trickier; they learn to play game before our eyes while they have a secret life behind our backs, often online. With adult, we mostly have to fight ‘drama’, and sensitivity.

The apostle Paul warned us that in the end time, we would live in a generation that refuses discipline and instruction. What more could define the times we now live in? Children are unruly and do not naturally obey their parents. Teenagers feel that it is their right to legislate their own lives. And while children are prey to the viles of this premature sense of fake freedom, adults live contrary to the Laws of the loving God who created them. Could it be that our attitude towards God’s instruction and training is connected with our children’s attitude?

I believe that we should teach by example. It is very hard to teach a child to use proper language when our own mouth needs cleaning. It is difficult to teach a child to eat properly when we indulge in junk food or in other unhealthy habits. It is very difficult to teach a child to have wisdom in his choice of media when we ourselves are glued to its vain shows and magazines. Could it be that if we, as parents, with all sincerity of heart, showed a life yielded to God’s instruction, a life submissive to God’s discipline and to His training, we would stand a better chance with the training of our children?

It may or may not be, but one thing I know: when I come in the presence of the Almighty God; when my life’s works are weighed in the balance; I do not want to realize that it is I, who through my own rebellious attitude towards God and His Instruction, was the one who patterned rebelliousness in my children.

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