
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Proverbs 10:23
It is as sport to a fool to do mischief:
But a man of understanding hath wisdom.

We can categorize those who do evil into three main categories. Those who know they sin but don’t know it; those who know they sin and are convicted of it; and those who know they sin while they even boast of it. The fool, the one who is careless of God’s Instruction, is part of this last category.

The fool sins and boasts. The fool sins and laughs. The fool sins and despises correction. The fool sins and returns to his folly. The fool sins and mocks the wise. The fool sins and sins again. Even a rod on his back has no effect on the fool. Mothers, protect your children from the fool. Father, chase him from your grounds. He infects everything around him, and with a sneer destroys the pure building of your children. As he passes through your lands, do not speak with him; do not get in his ways. Do not answer him nor interact with him. Just open the road wide for him to flush out from your midst and fall into his eternal hellish reward.

The wise learns and shares. The wise practices righteousness and rejoices. The wise seeks the correction of his ways. The wise learns from his mistakes. The wise honors the wise. The wise wins and learns to flee from sin. The rod of correction on the back of a wise is precious gold. Mothers, invite the wise to your table. Fathers, invite him to teach your children. Righteousness emanates from his mouth, and with godly satisfaction edifies your children. As he passes through your lands, speak with the wise; walk with him a while. Interact and learn from him. As he walks the narrow road, he will show you the way to your eternal reward.

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