Proverbs 5:22 His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.
In the whole Bible, there is no principle so established than this one. We fall in the pit that we dig for others. We receive the rewards of our actions. We become prisoners of the cords we braid for our enemies.
Jacob was deceived in the same way he deceived his father Isaac. Judah was convicted with the same words he told his father Jacob after selling Joseph as a slave. In Persia, Hamman built gallows for a Jew who would not prostrate to him. Hamman was hang on the very wood he had built for Mordechai.
This principle should cause us to carefully look at our lives. We may have much trouble, but lets take the time to analyze what comes on our plate. Are we in the loop of the boomerang effect of our actions? Lets look; lets look even very far, ten, even twenty years ago; what do we see? Are we the victims of our own doings?
The bad and the good both return. The bread that we generously deal in the waters around us also returns, with dividends. Maybe the blessing that we see poured on an individual is the simple return of a life spent blessing others.
There is hope. There is also deliverance from this ‘karmatic’ return of our actions upon our heads. The Son of Man, Jesus, Yeshua ha Mashiah’, can and delivers us from the sins we carelessly bind ourselves to. By His grace He restores our repentant hearts to a new start and behold, we are delivered.
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