
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Monday, November 05, 2007


Proverbs 3:31-32 Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways. (32) For the froward is abomination to the LORD: but his secret is with the righteous.

Here is a rich man, successful and established. He has not a care in the world but to look after his wealth and to indulge his heart. Of course, he tithes and contributes to the many social causes in his community. Many would consider him blessed of God. Many would consider that God smiled upon this man. Many would be envious and covet his position in life.

Let us take a closer look at the source of his wealth. Is it a wealth truly sent from God, or is it a wealth conceived by oppression?

When a man is blessed beyond his personal immediate needs, is he supposed to build bigger ‘barns’ and plan for his personal future, thus oppressing those for whom this wealth was meant? Does his wealth come from usury, the ungodly oppressing practice of benefiting from a brother’s misery by lending him money for interest? Does he oppress his family, working so hard at the cost of their neglect? Does he oppress his own soul, withholding it from God by working on the Sabbath which God has created for himself?

Wealth from God is a gift without condemnation. You didn’t work for it. You didn’t oppress for it. You didn’t withhold it from those to whom it was due. You did not compromise virtues and principles for it and yet, like King Solomon, author of this proverb, God laid it at your feet.

Let us know and remember that wealth wrongfully earned will not remain unpunished. Let us also remember that the secret of God is with the righteous. As we go and faithfully follow God, our needs will be met, and the wealth of His presence will abide in our heart. What more should we want?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is interesting Patrick. It poses special interest for those who own businesses. We have to walk with humility before the Lord and seek to give to and benefit those who labor in our "vineyard." This is not always easy.

The bible also says that we have six days in which to do our work, which is thus encouraged by the Lord.

True wealth is in knowing Jesus. Any substitute is a problem.