"When do Justice and goodwill meet? When the contending parties are made to agree peaceably" THE TALMUD
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The heart pumps the precious pure blood of life into every part of our body. The actual quality of our heart affects the health of our whole body. Is our heart weak? Is it strong? Is it sturdy? Urban life today causes us to do many that negatively affects the quality of our heart. Our food habits also contribute to degrade its quality, and we suffer dire consequences for it. A healthy heart means a healthy body. A sick heart means a sick body.
Our author refers to these properties when he admonishes his son. The way to our heart is through our eyes and ears. Whatever we see, hear or get emotionally affected by, gets recorded in the tablets of our soul and affects the heart of our being.
This son is told by his concerned father to keep his heart pure. He is told to keep his heart pure by staying away from the ‘froward mouth’. This means to stay away from the people who talk against God, because constantly hearing something eventually affects the soul. Advertisers know that. This son is also told to keep his eyes straight on the Words of God. This means to stay his eyes on godly sight rather than on ungodly scenes or actions, because the things we see affect our heart even more than those we hear. A picture is worth a thousand words, and can carry subliminal messages. Advertisers also know that. The eye is a much quicker learner than the ear.
May we follow this wise advice and keep our hearts pure. Let us keep not only our hearts pure, but also the heart of our children. As parents, we need to emulate this father who admonished his child about his company and his entertainment.
Today those questions remain: with all the sights and sounds that we are bombarded with on every side, is it a wonder that our society’s moral standards are going down? Is it a wonder that our youth lacks godly values? We cannot fight the media giants but can we be the gatekeepers of the hearts of our children?
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
We hear again the wise king admonish his son. He tells his child to bring his inclinations towards his paternal counsel. This man tells his son to never let his fatherly advice out of his vision; to seal them in his heart; that in them, the boy will find both life and health.
Sad to say, the wise words of King Solomon were exemplified with his behavior only for a while. In his old age, this King let go of the Words of God and dabbled in the occult. The son who heard these words became a king who made unwise decisions and under whom the kingdom was divided.
If anything can change the course of history; if anything can move the heart of God towards His children; if anything can turn the evil tide that quickly drowns this generation; it is the desperate cry of upright fathers. When Moses cried to God for mercy as a father would cry for his children, God stayed his hand from destroying the Children of Israel.
May God give us fathers.
May God give us fathers whose words reflect the pattern of fatherhood given to us by the greatest Father of all.
Mayt God give us fathers whose Words match the actions.
May God give us fathers who can safely tell their children to emulate them because they themselves own the Words of life in their hearts.
May God give us fathers who fight in prayer and deeds for their children against the wolves of worldliness, laziness, mediocrity, selfishness and godlessness.
May God give us fathers who do what is right, unafraid to buck the tide of common opinion.
May God give us fathers whose life is hidden in the care of their little ones; who prepare with care the next generation.
May God give us fathers who in spite of their own selves, do their best to point their children in the direction of the Eternal father of all humanity.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The wicked, those who turn against God can be so arrogant. They seem almost fearless, which sadly, is credited to them as strength. The media’s super-heroes seem to be imbued with this property, which creates the admiration of its immature unsuspecting audiences.
What is it with this fascination with fearlessness?
The wicked fear not because they have rejected the sense of fear put in them by God. They want to defy it, and doing so defy God like Nimrod who wanted to build a tower all the way to Heaven. It is abnormal to not be afraid, just like it is abnormal to be numb to the conviction from the Holy-Spirit of God when we have done wrong.
God put in us a natural sense of danger. It is like the voice if God in us. It warns and protects us. It is therefore like a light in darkness. Those who reject this natural sense of fear also reject the voice of God in them. And those who reject the voice of God in them reject the light of God and therefore, they walk in darkness, not knowing at what they stumble.
There is a difference with fearlessness and courage. Fearlessness is the absence of fear; courage is the conquest of fear.
Friday, November 09, 2007
After being in darkness for a time, light, especially God’s light, needs to be introduced to our eyes slowly. It would blind us if it were to suddenly appear to us. The same goes with the light of truth from God.
If the light of Truth from God were to appear to us suddenly in its full integrity, it would probably hurt us; we are not ready to receive it. When Moses wanted to see the face of God, God told Him he could only see God’s glory from behind. When God spoke face to face with Moses, his face shone so that he had to cover it with a veil. When God spoke to the congregation of Israel, they begged Moses to be their mediator because they could not stand to hear God’s very voice. So, in His great wisdom and mercy, God promised that one day, He would come to talk to us at our level, as a human being.
If God were to suddenly pour in our hearts the pure Light of His spirit, it may reveal such an amount of wickedness in us that we would probably get discouraged. So, in order to bring us in slowly, He starts us with a small light, like a candle. But as we walk with Him, our path gradually becomes brighter. As our path gets brighter, we are able to take more, see more, realize more, and carry more. As days, months and years go by, we see new areas in our lives that we need to work on. As time passes, we understand more; we are less confused and more knowledgeable.
Let us feed God’s light in our heart through faithful fellowship with Him and His. We need not be afraid of it anymore. Let’s us allow it o come to our heart in all its fullness and clean us from all our iniquities.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Who is the sleeper? Who is he that has his eyes closed? Is it not he who has lost the spiritual compass of God’s Instructions? Because of his loss of God’s Word, his heart has grown so relative that he is not able to recognize evil anymore. He is not able to be indignant at wickedness nor does he have the spirit to fight it. He is like clouds without rain; a dog that cannot bark.
Spiritual sleep, spiritual apathy, spiritual lethargy is the result of doing ‘mischief’. The main mischief is the rejection of God’s standards; the ‘relativising’ of Gods Word. Once we mix God’s Word with our own cultural principles, it looses its value and power; it is not able to keep us awake spiritually anymore. One of the problems with that is that when we backslide from God’s pure Word in that way, we seldom do it alone. We often drag someone else down with us, even if just our personal family.
We are given here the cautionary advice to not enter into the path of such people. We are told to avoid it; to turn from it and pass it. Maybe it is after all, safer to run into a blatant sinner than into him who is caught in the deception of look-alike faith.
One night a little girl fell from her bed. When her Mom asked what happen, the teary-eyed girl said, “I guess I must have fallen asleep too near to where I got in.” Could it be what happens to many of us? We enter the kingdom, but through some smooth-tongue unchallenging Word teacher we stop progressing and growing in our spiritual life. Oh yes, there is always a lot of activity which makes it look like we are awake but could it be like the little boy who told his Mom about the purring sleeping cat, “Mom, the cat fell asleep and left its engine running.”
May God help us to read the Word with wisdom and with understanding. May God help us to let it bark at our soul to warn it from the dangerous wolves of spiritual relativism.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
We need to remember that in these sayings as well as in those to come, ‘Wisdom’ is very much defined as Jesus Himself. It is not a form of poise or virtue, nor the ability to be witty and discerning. It is simply the ‘all in all’ of the Messiah.
Past and contemporary history shows us that just accepting Jesus is not enough. Religion often takes an oppressive form thus causing pain and even war. Faith also suffers an identity crisis. Instead of learning and understanding its form and format, everyone wants to just put its label on their own. This always leads to contentions, divisions, denominationalism and sectarianism born of self-righteous pride.
This happens because we get ‘Wisdom’ without getting ‘understanding’. It is like getting a new complicated appliance without a manual of operation. We end up breaking the machine or even using it in a hurtful manner. ‘Understanding gives the form and format of faith. It gives us its context, its culture and tells why things are a certain way and not another.
As we get faith, as we get wisdom, as we let Messiah be our Lord, Master and Savior, let us learn to understand all we can about Him and who God had chosen Him to be on earth. May we understand some of the simplest details like, “Why was He born a Jew?”; Why did He often go to Jerusalem?”; Why did He have to die in Jerusalem?”; Why was He born in Bethlehem?”; Why did He eat the Seder unleavened bread and drank its wine before He died?” How do these things affect us?”
As we learn to understand Wisdom, as we gather around the true identity of Messiah, we will be able to finally have a united vision of a united congregation.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Proverbs 3:33-35
- The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.
- Surely he scorneth the scorners: but he giveth grace unto the lowly.
- The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools.
Our king seems to conclude this exhortation to his son with these three maxims. Should we forget all the details in the preceding admonitions; should we fail to understand all their implications; if we only but remember these three maxims, we will possess the true heart of the wisdom that comes from above.
We may look at the house of the wicked and consider them blessed. In turn,as we try to be faithful to Him, we may look at our own house and wonder if God really sees us. Thus it is always with God’s people. But whatever our physical sense declare to us, we must remember the truth of the Word which reveals to our hearts the truth hidden from our eyes, that: The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.
Many people scorn and scoff at the laws of God. They declare the principles of Godly living outdated. They push their ‘enlightenment’ agenda though every mediatic and political mean possible. They constantly feel like they have to fight and struggle in order to justify their position. On the other hand, the people who humbly and lowliness of mind simply accept and endorse God’s ways seem to own a spirit of peace and quietness that no psychologist could ever offer. Thus He scorneth the scorners: but He giveth grace unto the lowly.
Oh, for the precious promises. When all is said and done; when the books are opened; when faith is balanced against works; when intentions are compared with actions; when spirits are rubbed against the touchstone; when the wheat is separated from the chaff; when fire reveals the only true lasting matter of our soul; when the sheep go again under the counting hand; when the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven gives the final roll call; when the ultimate judgment is pronounced; glory, yes glory is given to those faithful ones who had enough love for their Lord to love Him with all their hearts, at even the cost of their lives and worldly reputation. But shame, oh yes, shame shall be the only promotion that those who loved wickedness, that those who scorned God’s commandments will receive.
Even so Lord Yehoshua, come quickly!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Here is a rich man, successful and established. He has not a care in the world but to look after his wealth and to indulge his heart. Of course, he tithes and contributes to the many social causes in his community. Many would consider him blessed of God. Many would consider that God smiled upon this man. Many would be envious and covet his position in life.
Let us take a closer look at the source of his wealth. Is it a wealth truly sent from God, or is it a wealth conceived by oppression?
When a man is blessed beyond his personal immediate needs, is he supposed to build bigger ‘barns’ and plan for his personal future, thus oppressing those for whom this wealth was meant? Does his wealth come from usury, the ungodly oppressing practice of benefiting from a brother’s misery by lending him money for interest? Does he oppress his family, working so hard at the cost of their neglect? Does he oppress his own soul, withholding it from God by working on the Sabbath which God has created for himself?
Wealth from God is a gift without condemnation. You didn’t work for it. You didn’t oppress for it. You didn’t withhold it from those to whom it was due. You did not compromise virtues and principles for it and yet, like King Solomon, author of this proverb, God laid it at your feet.
Let us know and remember that wealth wrongfully earned will not remain unpunished. Let us also remember that the secret of God is with the righteous. As we go and faithfully follow God, our needs will be met, and the wealth of His presence will abide in our heart. What more should we want?
Sunday, November 04, 2007
For this proverb, I will refer to Patrick Henry’s Bible Commentary where it is rephrased in the following manner:
· We must not be quarrelsome and litigious.
· Do not strive with a man without cause;
· Contend not for that which thou hast no title to;
· Resent not as a provocation that which peradventure was but an oversight.
· Never trouble thy neighbour with frivolous complaints and accusations, or vexatious law-suits, when either there is no harm done thee or none worth speaking of, or thou mightest right thyself in a friendly way.
This advice reflects Paul’s in the New Testament where He says, If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Sad to say, were this advice followed, gossip columnists and lawyer would go broke.
What is it in human nature that makes us strive on drama? I have known people who feel it abnormal when things quietly follow their course. They automatically attribute it to denial, so they go around trying to find the drama; and if they can’t find it, they create it.
In the classic movie Gone with the Wind, Scarlet was determined to steal her best friend’s husband from her. In trying to do so, Scarlet constantly took care of this man, even all the more after he came back wounded from the war. His wife, suspecting nothing, took it all as act of selfless love towards her. Because her heart was pure, she couldn’t even conceive the very real and present evil that was threatening her life. Call it innocent naïve stupidity, gullibility or denial, but I know who was the happier of the two women. It may only be a movie, but it works in real life. Those whose heart is pure and drama-impervious, see God, instead of the devil in everything.
What a different world we would have if instead of making mountains out of molehills, we would make molehills out of mountains.
Friday, November 02, 2007
I pause for a moment this devotional approach to these Proverbs from King Solomon as I take you to behold the wonders of their literary constructions. Hebrew wisdom literature, as well as Hebrew poetry, works in sets of two verses. Two opposite concepts can develop an idea, or we can have what we have in these two verses: the first verse introduces the taught principle, while the second verse defines its application.
This may not seem very important but, and some may argue with me about that, I believe that God did not leave much room for guessing what He meant in His Word. If the second verse explains the first, then the person to whom good is due, is our neighbor. And to know who our neighbor is, we turn to the Messiah who, in the parable of the Good Samaritan, taught us that our neighbor was whoever we meet on our way that is in dire need, even if it is an actual oppressing enemy.
This is a simple proverb about giving, but it teaches more than generosity. It teaches us a form of generosity that is beyond the principle of ‘good deeds’. Mostly, it teaches us a generosity that makes us come near to the perfection Jesus talked about when He said,
Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
Matthew 5:43-48
Thursday, November 01, 2007
When God plunged the whole world into a flood of water, He kept Noah and his family safe. When the mighty God of Israel battered Egypt with plague after plague, He spared the land of Goshen. When the walls of Jericho tumbled and fell at the sounds of the shofars, Ahab’s house stayed untouched.
Oh, may we not trust God today also? May we not trust our mighty God to protect us? He is getting ready to again shake the earth; He said, everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Already today we can feel the mighty shaking of God. Moral values are reversed as the Word of God is either adulterated or all totally ignored. Will such a generation be spared the shakings of God? Probably not.
But we, who have put our trust in God through His Messiah, should not fear the shaking to come. If our eyes are fixed on His sound wisdom, on His knowledge and discretion, Why should we fear?
It is the wayward disobedient children who need to fear the judgments of the Father, not those who stay close to him and live in line with His Instruction.