
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Monday, October 08, 2007


Proverbs 1:32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.

Herein is the conclusion of the chapter. The fate of the simple, the destiny of the one who doesn’t care to learn the right way, of the one who is Imprudent and does not seek to hear wise counsel, is sealed by his own doings. The child who failed to listen to the advice of his wise teachers will fall in the very pit they warned him of.

The King and author of these words also said, The fool and his money are soon parted. When we do not run our finances in the way God prescribed it in His Word, we are fools, and we soon find ourselves in penury. This principle works for a family unit as well as for a country. Worst of all when we, under the lure of gain, diverge from God’s financial dynamics, it is our own prosperity that eventually destroys us.

For individuals, societies, corporations and countries, these principles are as infallible as the law of gravity. Our careless disobedience to all of God’s ways leads us to the pits of hell. Not because God is mean, not because He is dictatorial, but simply because He is the on who knows the way away from the pitfalls.

Oh that we would care to listen. Oh, that we would want to hear. The message is simple. The map is clearly drawn. May we obtain deliverance from that wicked side in us which naturally wants to rebel against God’s wise advice. May we desire His leadings and value them higher than the price of pure gold.

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