Proverbs 3:7-8 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. (8) It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.
When we are wise in our own eyes, we in essence say is “My judgment is better than God’s”. How long will we make gods of ourselves?
In His Word God has given us specific healthy guidelines for living a successful life on earth. We are taught what and how to eat. We are told how to handle our money, our politics, our families, our spiritual life, our emotional life, our love life and sexual activities. There is really nothing left to chance, but yet, we want to know better; we want to be wise in our own eyes. Each and every law passed in our government, is just another attempt to re-invent the wheel on the things God has already instructed us on. It is pure pride and rebellion against God’s ways.
The navel is the reminder of the umbilical cord through which a fetus gets his nourishment. The fetus receives nothing via the mouth or anywhere else. He is totally dependant on the food given to him through the umbilical cord. The marrow is the substance that irrigate and moistens the bones. Without it our bones are weak and brittle.
To not be wise in our own eyes, we have to be in a state of total dependency and surrender to God, just like the fetus in an expectant mother. Our text explains what it looks like; it says, to fear (respect, honor, obey) the Lord, and to depart (to move away from) from evil.
When we are wise in our own eyes, we care little for what God has to say about things and eventually reap the results of our actions, often through bad health. The word here promises us even good health if we are yielded enough to do things the way He wants us to do it.
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