
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Friday, September 21, 2007


Proverbs 1:1-6
The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel;

to know wisdom and instruction;
to recognize the words of understanding;
to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and uprightness;
to give sense to the simple,
knowledge and judgment to the young man;
the wise hears and increases learning;
and understanding ones get wisdom;
to understand a proverb and its meaning;
the words of the wise, and their acute sayings.

. . . and understanding ones get wisdom;

To whom is understanding given? To who is wisdom granted? If we want to understand to great wisdom of God we cannot only try to tune in to His ‘learning channel’. We also have to use the ‘tools’ of His trade.

Let’s say I own a factory designed to produce dishwashers. Now I am asked to produce cars. Even though I have production chains ready using such materials as could be needed to produce cars, my attempts would be futile unless I actually change the chains, get new materials, and even train my workers into the manufacture of cars.

Our spirit works much the same way. We cannot even start to understand the beginning of the wisdom of God unless our spirit has been regenerated. The circuitry that runs it rewired and we are taught new reactions towards His Words.

Once we are rewired, It is possible to be so ingrained into a form and understanding of the Word that we cannot see any other way that what we have been taught for such a long time. It is therefore important to also stay with an understanding of the Word that is totally unadulterated by the rationalizing of man. That is why Jesus said we needed to become babes, so we can take God’s Word for what it says: at face value.

May God help us through the study of these royal proverbs to find the wisdom granted to those who have the ‘tools of the trade’ to understand.

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