Psalms 106:34 They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the LORD commanded them:
Israel was on a crusade. God sent them to Canaan for a reason far more important than to find a country to settle in. They were to conquer the Judean mountains and all the lands adjacent to them and make it God’s country. They were to make it a country where God’s Words and Spirit would flourish and be a testimony to the nations in the rest of the world. Israel was meant not to just conquer the land and settle, but they also were to destroy its inhabitants. They were meant to annihilate the evil idolatrous culture of the Canaanites. Israel was to loath their human sacrifices and their perverted religious orgies, and become the sample nation that would birth the Messiah. Israel disobeyed and compromised instead, sheathing its sword and settling in before the battle was utterly won, and as Moses had predicted, the nations around them became their constant spiritual snare (Deuteronomy 7:16).
Even today, the ‘Canaanite’ lives on; his evil indulgent practices fill our society; they are found in our stores, in our media, in our schools, in our churches and there is nothing we can do about the perverted influences of these great institutions of the world. Today, the place where we fight and win against the ‘Canaanite’ is in our heart.
Let us fight a valiant and courageous warfare against the ‘Canaanite’ in our heart. Let us never be influenced by his smooth words. Let us never be attracted by his loathsome practices. Most of all, let us never make peace with him; this is a war to the finish.
There is no peaceful co-existence of good with evil. There is no fellowship between righteousness and unrighteousness. There is no communion between light and darkness; Belial has no concord with Christ. The believer has no part with the infidel, and the temple of God in our bodies has no agreement with the temples of idols (2 Corinthians 6:15).
Philippians 2:15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
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