
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Psalms 106:13-14 They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel: But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.

When Moses was on the mount getting the instructions that would become the code of ethics for Israel and eventually the whole world, the children of Israel became impatient. Even though life was hard in Egypt, they were used to its dainties and sense of security (Numbers 11:5). When things got hard in the desert, and life required more faith on their part as individuals, they quickly went back and carved the golden calf of the security of corporate pagan faith, which allowed them more of what they wanted, and required less personal sacrifice and dependence on God.

It is easy to criticize the Children of Israel for these doubts and rebellion against God after they witnessing such strong miracles of his power, but how do we fare today?

Each day we are sustained by the strength of the manna of God’s grace and forgiveness and we freely drink of the abundant waters of His life empowering Living Words. We enjoy the benefits of answered prayers and are blessed with the fellowship of like-spirited people. Yet in spite of all these things, especially when things get difficult, don’t we sometimes want to give up this life of faith, this seemingly uncertain dependence on God, and hanker and lust after the seeming ease in the ungodly lifestyle of the world of mammon (Luke 16:13)?

Waiting on God can be so difficult for many of us; we quickly forget the testimony of his works. It seems so much easier to rest our faith on the visible ‘golden calf’ of our own efforts, carnal wisdom and personalized religion. Let us not do so, but learning from the mistakes of the past, let us, at the times that God appoints in our lives, patiently sit at the foot of the mount and wait for His instruction.

Luke 21:19 In your patience possess ye your souls.

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