Psalms 119:95 The wicked have waited for me to destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies.
How it must grieve the heart of God when we give heed to the intimidating speeches of the enemy. Here is an example of someone who didn’t. God moved the heart of Artaxerxes the Persian king, to allow Nehemiah to go rebuild the broken walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah had with him letters from the king concerning his assignment, protection and provision vouchers. But when he arrived in Jerusalem those who wished for the failure of this endeavor challenged Nehemiah and said, What is this thing that ye do? Will ye rebel against the king (Nehemiah 2:19)? How arrogant can the devil be? He always challenges the commandment of the Lord.
When the will of the Lord has been settled and established, who is anyone, in heaven or earth to dare challenge that it will come to past?
What if, at 86 years old, childless, and married to a barren 85-year-old wife, the Lord promised you a biological posterity as numerous as the stars of the sky and as the sand of the sea; would you believe Him? What if at 100 years old your 99 year old wife delivered a child that you were asked to sacrifice 25 years later, would you still believe that He could fulfill His promise? What if he would ask you to take a whole nation to cross the desert, would you believe that He could supply food and water for the journey? What if you had put all your hopes on the Messiah that your eyes have seen, only to see Him crucified and seemingly conquered by the world, would you still believe that He who was promised is able to fulfill His promises? What if He would ask you to roll away the stone in front of a dead stinking man who has been in the grave for four days, would you do it believing that He is the resurrection and the life (John 11:39)?
Whenever we have set ourselves to obey God’s will, to act on His Word of promise, all hell breaks lose as the wicked waits for you to destroy us. It is now time to blindly consider His testimonies even if they seem insane to all around us. It is time to put feet to our faith even if it seems irrational in the eyes of others. If you are to go to the mission filed, I say, if God shows you to go to the mission field, quit your job, pack you suitcase and go wait in the airport knowing that God will meet you there with the money and the flight. If God shows you to build a school and you don’t have the means to do it, advertise and enroll students with the assurance that God somehow will find a way to honor your unwavering faith in Him.
Jonas 2:8 They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
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