
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Sunday, February 04, 2007


February 4

Psalms 119:45 And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts.

Many feel that walking in the way of God is too prohibitive. They find too many restraints therein. They forget that going through the straight and narrow gate of the Lord frees them from the boundaries of natural man. It brings them to a limitless dimension where they become partakers of His divine nature, where the limits are the limits of God Himself.

On the other hand, those who blatantly refuse to go through the narrow gate make a spectacle of their ‘freedom’. They vaunt of their indulgences. They freely display and make a show of their so-called liberties. And while they arrogantly think to bring offense and vexation on those who have wisely chosen the way of God, one morning, as they wake up, they find themselves caught in the trap that they have se for themselves, prisoners of their vain and foolish lust and greed.

O foolish humans that we are. Do we think that by building wings of steel we accede to flight? Do we believe that by role-playing in our foolish and vain games we become whatever it is that we pretend to be? When will we realize that only by following the Lord God and Maker of the Universe will we find the ultimate freedom we are looking for? Only by shedding our vain humanity at the hole of the Needle gate (Matthew 19:24) will we be liberated not only from the trappings of the world, but from the desires and lusts that daily seek to own us.

Here, within the Light of the Holy of Holies of the Sanctuary of God, the world looses its glitter and temptation looses its shine. Sickness becomes beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61:3) and death the door to heavenly dimension where boundaries are but a thing of the past (1 Corinthians 15:55).

John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

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