January 18
Psalms 119:25 My soul cleaveth unto the dust: quicken thou me according to thy word.
How low is unregenerate man; he scurries about the world solely concerned with earthly matters:
--He has no notion of a spiritual life; he exists for the sole purpose of eating, drinking and making merry.
--His thoughts are prisoners to earthly concerns; with personal needs, lusts and personal appearance.
--He doesn’t know the heavenly ‘retributor’, so his morals are earthly and sensual.
--He can only rise as high as his poor human brain can conceive.
--He has no concept of spiritual reality; his life begins, exists, and ends on earth.
--He lives for himself; his life’s accomplishments are given to moth and rust; and he dies for nothing.
--Like a worm, his soul truly ‘cleaveth’ to the dust.
How different is the spiritual man; his main concern is the heavenly realm.
--He lives on the spiritual realm; his life reflects a balance of heavenly and earthly concerns.
--His thoughts are free from the demands of the world; they look up above, to the needs of his soul, and with how to please his Lord.
--He knows that God renders every man according to his deeds, so he lives by the law of His Lord.
--His goals are as high as what God can conceive.
--He lives in preparation for spending eternity in Heaven; his life reflects that he is only a pilgrim on earth.
--He lives for his Lord; his life’s accomplishments last for eternity; he dies as a witness of the cause of Christ leaving a seed for future generations.
--The cocoon of the death of this life can’t hold him; he resurrects to fly to the heavenlies.
What makes the difference between the unregenerate and the regenerate man?
The regenerate man is ‘quickened’ by God’s Word.
Let our lives reflect the costly gift of regeneration given to us freely by Jesus-Christ the Son of God.
1Corinthians 15:19-20 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.
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