
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Thursday, January 25, 2007


January 25

Psalms 119:32 I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart.

Sometimes the Lord puts in our hearts burdens that seem greater than us. He blows upon us the wind of a commission, of a duty with dimensions that our flesh and carnal mind cannot endorse. At such times, we are made to feel the need for more of Him to accomplish the tasks He has laid upon us.

If our feet were free to run; if our bodies were able to fly, if by a miracle the limitation of age and physical weakness were to disappear, oh, how we would run to do His bidding. With such abundance of energy and zeal; with such love, tears, blood, sweat and self-denying oh yes we would go.

Such a miracle is possible, such a miracle exists for people like you and me, because the aptitude, spontaneity, and promptitude of the feet are solely dependant on the position of the heart towards our Lord. We can ask Him. We can ask Him to enlarge us. We can ask Him to enlarge our soul so our feet can run to do His will with all that His heavenly grace provides.

If we let Him, He will enlarge our heart (Oh how it hurts). If we let Him, He will push the walls of our soul (Oh how it robs us). If we let Him, He will take us to the heavenly realm of invisible evidence (Oh how it scares us), of the substance of things hoped for (Oh how it humbles us) (Heb 11:1). If we let Him, He will take us out of our comfort zone, and keep us comforted by His presence.

When we finally yield the controls, when we take our hands off of destiny He would write for us, the simple insect that is our life lights up the valley as the summer firefly and our caterpillar turns into a soaring butterfly bringing its heavenly touch to all around him.

2Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

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