
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Sunday, January 21, 2007


January 21

Psalms 119:28 My soul melteth for heaviness: strengthen thou me according unto thy word.

The Hebrew word employed in the original text here is more like ‘drip’, or ‘distill’ rather than ‘melt’. C. Spurgeon wrote, Tears are the distillation of the heart; when a man weeps he wastes away his soul.

The picture here is of a great warrior king wasting his soul in tears; a picture of great vexation of heart and spirit. King David, this great contender of kings and giants; this righteous challenger of the armies of the heathen, had such great love for his Lord. It is said that those who know great love also know great sorrow. David’s soul melted in tears of sorrow for the distress and vexation of his spirit, because he cared.

The biggest plague of our modern society is indifference. Indifference makes us not care about things; indifference makes not want to get involved because involvement and caring hurts. Caring causes pain. Caring causes vexation of heart and soul and spirit. We don’t like to hurt and we equate hurt with negative feelings. But God has meant for us to hurt sometimes because hurt is good for us. Hurt edifies our soul, matures our character, builds our spirit, and strengthens our faith.

Pain and hurt is meant to cause us to desperately call onto God, and remind Him of His Promises of comfort to us through His Holy Spirit. Hurt brings us close to His Spirit.

In our times of heartbreak, in our hour of sorrow, when our heart aches so much that we feel that it’s going to burst out of our chest, let’s remember God’s Promises and asks for His strengthening. He will never fail to be there for you.

Hebrews 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

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