November 21
Psalms 34:20 He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.
The Child of God can truly count all his bones. If we earnestly keep our eyes on our Lord and Savior, neither persecution nor tribulation will be able to negatively affect any part of our soul’s basic element’s fabric. They can vex, offend and howl at us. They can tear, maim, torture and kill our flesh, but the basic structure of our soul remains intact because all they can do is affect the flesh. They cannot maim or injure our fundamental ‘bone” structure’, the skeleton of our soul, (Matthew 10:28). Jesus’ flesh was bruised and bloodied, but His physical bone structure remained intact.
Katherine Bevis illustrated this point one day when from among all the students at a well-known college, she pointed out to a young man who had to get about on crutches. He had an unusual talent for friendliness and optimism and so won the deep respect of his classmates. One day a student asked him what had caused his deformity. "Infantile paralysis," he replied briefly, not wishing to elaborate on his difficulties.
"With a misfortune like that, how can you face the world so cheerfully?" inquired his classmate.
"Oh," replied the young Christian, smiling, "the disease never touched my heart.”
Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus and like Peter, walk with assurance on the waters of uncertainty. Let’s keep our faith on the promises of his wonderful words and like the martyrs of old, refuse deliverance from physical anguish to attain the reward of a better resurrection. Let’s keep our heart on our crucified Lord, God and Savior, and the cares and wounds of this world will vanish in the body of His resurrection.
Psalms 35:10 All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him?
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