October 9
Psalms 5:3 My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.
The Lord is always there for us, waiting to help us. He waits for us to make the connection; He waits for us to call ‘home’ for help.
Should He have to wait till the day is done, till the time our ships come home with broken sails for us to come to Him so He can sooth our souls? Should we wait till we have tried all our keys, failed to find solutions, and our frustrated hearts and minds desperately want to know what went wrong?
Why should the Lord be expected to be the ‘repairman’ of our lives, when He should be the ‘Chief Executive’? Our Lord should be the ‘Jacob’ and the ’Joseph’ on whom Laban and Potiphar leaned. Everything in their hands, every dream of their heart came to fruition and prospered when they trusted God through his ‘man’. These secular rulers, though they didn’t know the Lord, recognized His power through his people, through his ‘agent’. Why don’t we recognize as much? Why do we carry the burden? Why do we insist on directing our own steps, when we have the Lord, God’s ‘man’, God’s ‘agent’ in our lives who eagerly waits to help show us the way throughout the day?
Let us make you Lord, the Creator of the universe, of our hearts, minds and souls, be the focus of our attention when we wake up in the morning. Let us receive our first instructions from you. Let us ‘direct’ our prayer to you; look up ’to you from the time we awake.
Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.
Hey Patrick, just wanted to say hi, Robert in Co.
Hi Robert; what's your email? Are you on line?
Patrick, from green Estacada!
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