October 10
Psalms 5:4 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee.
In the Gospels, Satan reminds Jesus (as if He’d forgotten) that the world had been given to him (Luke 4:6). Today, we don’t need to be reminded of this. All we have to do is look around us, watch the nightly news, and read the newspaper. It is easy to see what powers dominates lifestyles, politics and economics. In light of such, it is a great comfort for us to know that our God has no pleasure in the wickedness that pervades our times. What security we have in the knowledge that whatever devilish powers raises to show its ugly head, whether in the world of politics or in our personal lives, God will not tolerate it.
For those prone to disobedience, for those taking pleasure in the purposes of Satan, the enemy of God, this Scripture serves as a dreadful reminder of future judgment. For the obedient, there is no fear to be had, only the warm fuzzy feeling that he is in God’s care, and that He will not allow wickedness to prevail over him.
Lord, I know that one of these days, in your appointed time and season, in the day that you have set aside for the purging of the our hearts and of the whole earth, every purpose and every tool that does not come from you will be eliminated and vanish away. All swords will be turned into plowshares; instrument of illusions and vanity will be destroyed. Most of all, Satan will be stripped of his power to kill. Help me, your child, not to dishonor you by taking pleasure in the wickedness around us, or allow it to dwell with us.
Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
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