October 14
Psalms 5:8 Lead me, O LORD, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face.
Do you have enemies? Have people hurt you and caused you rancor? Is there bitterness in your heart because of unjustly received evil?
Let us not seek revenge. Let us not attempt to straighten our own righteous cause. The Lord is the ”lifter-upper” of the righteous. He is the one who vindicates and fills all those who seek and hunger after His righteousness (Matthew 5:6). We only need to ask Him to lead us to stay in His way in spite of all that would try to trip us off. To stay in His way is our greatest vindication. When unjustly buffeted, let us ask the Lord to show to not be perverted by the desire to return evil for evil.
This desire to exact vengeance is where the devil, who is the enemy of all virtue, wants us. He knows that there is no end to the vicious cycle of vengeance and retribution for evil between men. He also uses these injustices to get us to be led by self-righteous emotions. He knows that he is the one who rules us whenever we are led by our own emotions instead of by the Lord’s spirit. The only way the devil gives up, is if we don’t give in.
Let us pray to the Lord, and He will help us be perfect, as His Father in Heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:38-48).
1 Corinthians 6:7 Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded?
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