
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


October 24


Psalms 19:1The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Hear the words of the shepherd boy. These are the words of a man who spent the years of his youth as a shepherd keeping his father’s flocks. Like the patriarch Abraham, he studied the night sky and found it to bear witness of God’s great redemption plan.

Who can look at the sky and ignore the majesty of God; it is God’s handwriting and signature. The book of Genesis tells us that on the second day of creation, God made a firmament that divided the waters, and that on the fourth day, He placed lights in that firmament to give us light and give us seasons and times.

Puny man in his pride can do and say what he wants. He can write great so-called educated books in order to deny the author of these beautiful handiworks. Man can attempt to change the appointed times and seasons; he can crawl on the ground of the earth in his man-made environments where he hardly get a glimpse of the testimony of the power that is greater than he. In spite of it all, from the beginning of times and all around the world, whether he likes if or not, he has to follow the basic divisions of days, nights, weeks, months and years as God has appointed them right in the beginning. He has to work his field according to the seasons that God has established He has no power whatsoever to change any of it. While man in his arrogance boasts of his own personal power to establish his destiny, he is every day and in forced to obey the Maker and Planner of this great universe.

No matter how much we try to ignore God’s leading and influence in our lives, we are bound by his design. We breathe by the breath that He has given us; our heart beats at His tempo. How much happier then would we be if our lives were led in harmony with His will.

Jeremiah 10:23 O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

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