
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Daily Devotion Psalms 119:75

March 5, 2006

Psa 119:75 KJV  I know, O LORD, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.

It is true that you can know a man by his friends.  It is also true that you can know a man by his enemies.

Our friends are people that we consciously choose to bring closer to our heart.  Sadly, for many people, the way to choose friends has much more to do with how people personally affect them, than with a true and honest evaluation of their virtues.  They tend to choose friends from the muddy slough of “Sans Scrupules” (without scruples) where the waters are so soiled that it hides their imperfections. The “friends’ from that filthy slough make them feel good, they flatter them, and elevate them in their own eyes.  Their dirt does not pose a challenge to their bad habits and settled ways.  These people are usually considered progressive, wise, tolerant, and of great discernment and virtue, therefore ending up in a “blind leading the blind” situation, where both shall surely fall into a ditch (Mat 15:14).  

How much better it is to choose friends from the clear and true waters of “Lake Faithful”; their clarity will certainly expose the dirt clinging to our souls and thoroughly wash it clean.  Its waters may be hard, but there is no mistaking in the faithfulness of their purity.  

Oh, how precious is the friend that is not afraid to tell a truth; how valuable to our spiritual maturing it is to have someone dear to our heart who is faithful to tell it to us like it is.  When two friends are secure in their affections, there can be such strength between them, a love bound that even the devil cannot separate.  

Amidst all our acquaintances, let us make Jesus our best friend.  He is not afraid to tell it to us like it is.  Let us have such confidence in His love for us that we know that it is in faithfulness that He afflicts us, as a proof of true love for us, just as a good and true friend should do.  .    

Pro 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

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