
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hebrews 13:2

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

It is very common in hot countries for people to take a break from work around noon. Due to the heat, they break at twelve and sometimes do not work again until mid-afternoon. In the case of Genesis 18, Abraham was not taking a mid-day nap due to the heat of the day, he was convalescing from undergoing circumcision (Genesis 17). The fever lasted three days. The highest being the third day (Genesis 34:25), the first verse therefore of Genesis eighteen could infer that this was the third day of Abraham’s fever.

While Abraham was convalescing, the Torah tells us that Adonai came to visit him (Genesis 18:1). The Master Himself came to check on Abraham. This verse is the true origins of the apostle’s injunctions to visit the sick. Discipleship is to want to be like your Master. If the Master therefore took the time to visit Abraham when he was sick, we should also practice the visiting of the ill.

This visit resulted in several tests. 1: Hospitality. The hospitality of Abraham was legendary. His table was like no other. To be at the table of Abraham was like being at the table of the Lord. When we receive brethren in our home’s to share with us, we should also do our best to honor them. The meal that Abraham served was composed of dairy and meat; a full meal worthy of a King. Did Abraham know who he was serving? All the text tells us after the verse’s beginning narrative is that Abraham saw three men, strangers in the plain of Mamreh. Even the Book of Hebrew seems to indicate that Abraham didn’t have a clue at first (Hebrews 13:2). We should always share our best with stranger and consider it a high honor to host the Saints, those for whom our Master died. 2: Belief: Adonai had a message for Abraham. When Sarah (89 years old) heard that she would give birth, she laughed a cynical laugh for which the angel reproved her. Abraham did not as he had already gone through that a few days before (Genesis 17). Similarly we should learn not to laugh at the impossible doings of God. The Talmud compares Sarah to Jerusalem. If He is able to take an old woman, rejuvenate her and make her fruitful throughout generations, Adonai is also able a broken down seemingly barren city such as Jerusalem and resurrect her to be a blessing to all forever after. 3: Motives: How was Abraham going to use his new standing with God. Since Adonai and Him were now covenanted together, Abraham right away used his new assets as a blessing towards the incredulous world around him, not without motive thoug. He pleaded for the sparing of Sodom and Gomorrah just for the sake of saving Lot his wayward nephew. How do we use our covenanted standing with the Master. Are our prayers a repetition of ‘gimme’s’, or are our eyes turned toward those in need.

I think Abraham passed the test. Would we?

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