
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Proverbs 16:12
It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness:
For the throne is established by righteousness.

As the old saying goes, “Others may, but you can’t!” From older sibling to king, any form of leadership demands the same. ‘Others’ may indulge in vengeance, retaliation, selfishness, self-pity, pride, self-vindication, anger and all the likes, but leaders, especially those who are supposed to and even claim to represent God, can’t. Their example must remain steady, sometimes almost cold and unshakable. Such things were required of Biblical kings and priests, and are still required of those who claim to follow Messiah. We are to be a ‘nation of ‘priests’ as was promised us at Mt Sinai.

Each, priest, each king, each lawyer of the Word in the pre-messianic Scriptures of the Bible was to foreshadow Messiah. King David, who exercised the three messianic functions of Priest, King and Lawyer, was the quintessential type of the Savior to come.

Even now, messiah establishes His throne on earth. He establishes it by righteousness; not by man’s righteousness, but by the Righteousness of God. He presently exercises the righteousness of Priest by atoning for our sins in front of the throne of the Creator of heaven and earth. He will in a little time return as a conquering King, snatching the controls of the world from the ‘ungodlies’ and from the ‘ungodly’. Then for 1,000 years, he will exercise, as the greatest Lawyer the world has ever known restoring justice to every man woman, child and ethnic group. This will be a time when He will vindicate the righteous, punish the wicked, and wipe all our tears away.
May He come quickly, even in our time.

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