
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Monday, February 09, 2009


Proverbs 16:3
Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.

A beautiful conclusion to the two previous proverbs. As our heart meditates what we deem to be pure thoughts, Elohim weights our response. The conclusion is therefore that it is imperative that our thoughts, being the source of our responses, should be established by God.

Our same author tells us somewhere else, As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. James the apostle adds that a double-minded man cannot receive anything from the Almighty. When our thoughts are not established, we live in constant uncertainty and confusion and separated from the orderly beauty Elohim has for us.

We are told that for our thoughts to be established, our works need to be committed unto God. The Hebrew word for ‘commit’ is also ‘turn’; ‘roll over’. We are to turn our works towards Him. We are to roll over our business, our daily occupation towards Him for our thought to be certain in themselves, which in itself creates faith.

As we think of our coming day, let us commit it to Him. Let us ask: Is what I do a response to His commandments? Yeshua based the commandments of Torah on two statements from the Old Testament: to love Elohim with all of our heart mind and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Our love for Elohim is shown by following His commandments and by representing His love to those made in His image. How do we do that? To most of us adults that means to be responsible faithful parents working hard to supply for our families; to be responsible members of our communities; to study His Words and do our best to obey them and teach them to our children by beiang a good sample of them. For younger folks, that would mean to be obedient and helpful in their homes, thereby showing gratitude for their parents’ efforts; to prepare themselves for their future responsibilities of parenthood by applying themselves to their schooling; and to keep away the garbage that is hurled on them daily by the media.

If we harmonize all our works with His command, our thoughts become aligned, and therefore established with His divine will.

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