
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Proverbs 15:12
A scorner loveth not one that reproveth him:
Neither will he go unto the wise.

The Hebrew word used for scorner in the text is ‘lets’, a very interesting word which takes us deeper into the meaning of the verse. This word ‘lets’ refers to the original sense of the verb to ‘mock’. It means to ‘imitate in a condescending way’. ‘to make fun with exaggerated acting’, and also ‘counterfeiting.

In this deeper meaning of the verse, we can almost see the person of Jeroboam who in order to bring the people of Israel’ Northern Kingdom to himself created a religion similar the one the people were used to but just changed the festival days and the places of worship. The episode of the Golden Calf smacks of the same in the fact that Aaron formed and fashioned the statue and then named it by the Name, and establish its own Feast day.

Sad to say, as we can see in the development of post-resurrection believers practices, history does repeat itself. Less than 200 years after the resurrection of the Master, people had already taken things in their own hands, and ‘synchretized’ the Jewish Messiah’s teachings with that of the Sun-god of Rome. As a result, they changed the Sabbath day to Sun-day, the worship day of the sun god, instead of Saturday; they celebrated the birth of the Messiah on the 25th of December, birthday of sun-god of Rome instead of in the Feast of tabernacles; and they synchronized the Resurrection from Passover to Easter, the celebration of the goddess of fertility also called in the Bible: the queen of heaven. This is the ultimate in mockery and blasphemy. If the Bible is in any way shape or form a book teaching us about the Almighty’s sense of right and wrong and justice, it would do good to remember the ends of both the people who worshipped the Golden calf and of Northern Israel.

In our generation, many of these things are done in ignorance, and the Master knows it. There is one thing though for which we are responsible: to not blindly follow man’s traditions. We need to know what it is we believe and practice and mostly why; and we are accountable to the Creator for what we teach the children He lends us.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7

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