
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Proverbs 14:19
The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.

Indeed in this scripture the just, the righteous, he who has on this side of the grave given his life to the works of the father, he who live under the atonement of the only Righteous One whose blood represents us in the sight of the Creator, finds comfort and final justice from the many woes of this world.

Finally justice is rendered. Finally the righteous is avenged. Finally things are right side up and the Righteous rules; the righteousness of Messiah is the commanding factor.

A friend of mine has for a long time been troubles as he had been taught about prosperity of the righteous in this age as part and parcel of making a decision for the Almighty. His situation is not financially as good as he thinks it befits the righteous so he wonders if these promises of righteous rule and prosperity are valid, or just poetry.

In the Gospel of Luke, the adversary reminds Yeshua that this present wold ha been given to him. Believers should do well to remember that. Jewish sages always taught that in this world there is no reward for following the Word; that the Word is its own reward. They teach that any other form of rewards for our good decisions in this world are reserved for the world to come when Messiah finally distributes rewards.

The Word, the torah, the indwelling of the Spirit should represent our only satisfaction in this world. Anything else is extra. Do we deserve more? I should say no. Our very breath is a gift we do not deserve.

In this day of financial insecurity, may we learn to keep things in the right perspective.
May we learn to be thankful.
May we learn in whatsoever state we are to be content, for contentment with godliness is great gain (1 Timothy 6:6).

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