
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Proverbs 13:14
The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.

The Hebrew version of this text reads, The Torah (doctrine; instruction) of the wise man is . . . In another passage our author teaches us that counsel in the heart of man is as deep waters. The Master said, He that believeth on me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Many rivers flow. They all have sources, usually mountains. They all go somewhere, usually to the sea. On their way, to their final destination, rivers fill people’s wells, irrigate lands, and provide refreshments to weary travelers. Most early cities were built on riverbanks because water is the essence of life.

When drinking water out of a well in Samaria, Yahoshua said to the woman who served him that who ever drinks of this water will surely thirst again. He will have to return to the well and get a refill. The Samaritan woman who probably came daily to the well understood this very well. The Master offered her the waters that quench thirst once and for all. He could give her the waters that remain as a perpetual sustenance; the only waters that would free her from dependence on the human well of phony doctrines.

This water comes from Mt Zion. It is the water of life mentioned by the prophets. The water that flows from Jerusalem fills up the world with its doctrine and gives eternal life to all who drink it. Once we drink from this water, we are satisfied; our heart is at home and has found its soul mate. This is the true water of life. It is not like the water of man; there is no need to return once we’ve partaken of it, except for pleasure.

Come everyone. Why drink of the waters that do not quench. Why partake of what doesn’t satisfy. Let us not be like the dependant customers of temporary bliss that only fill the pockets of their peddlers. Come and satisfy yourselves from the waters of Zion. Let us quench our thirst for true justice, love and righteousness with the doctrine that flows from Jerusalem. Let us live by the waters of the Son of God, Yahoshua Hamashiach. Hasn’t He said, Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled?

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