
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Proverbs 12:26
The righteous is more excellent than his neighbour:
But the way of the wicked seduceth them.

When a man has found the way of truth, he stands as a shining light in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation. He not only is a guide to His immediate family to lead them into all verity, but he also is recognized by others around him as a guide, as someone who has the ability to understand right or wrong. He is valued as one able to separate word of commandment form assumptive theology, and to use the word of truth with wisdom in a constructive and edifying way.

This man understands that he has been blessed with a gift from God, and he knows that all men are not endowed with the same gift. This knowledge brings him the virtue of the patient teacher who gently leads; it anoints him with the heavenly gentleness of Yahweh when He looks at us on earth.

Being a man prey to all temptations himself, like the prophet Jeremiah he compassionately prays, oh that my head were a fountain of tears. He knows the miserable plight of him who has been seduced and trapped by the enemy’s look alike theology; so he is patient with the lost, tender with the young and with those with child, and he shares the mercy and understanding that he himself has been recipient of from the Almighty El-Shaddai.

In our righteousness, let us be holy and godly guides. Eventually, in millennial times, the righteous will certainly judge the world with Yehoshua. In that day, we will learn to judge like He does ‘righteous judgments’ , not with the seeing of the eye nor with the hearing of the ear. But this time has not come yet. At present, we are all ourselves under the mighty eyes of Him who judges the earth, us included, by the words we speak and especially by how we treat others and look at them in our hearts.
By the same parameters we judge others we shall also be judged ourselves.

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