
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Proverbs 12:10
A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast:
But the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

The characteristics of a righteous person always include a personal knowledge and a compassionate understanding of others, including animals. The Hebrew text actually reads: The righteous knows the soul of his beast.

The humane society and animal activists in general should be pleased with God because a big part of His Instruction is concerning the proper and humane care of animals. Animals have to be slaughtered painlessly and beasts of burden have a right to food and to the Sabbath. God has dominion over us and we have dominion over the animals. Domesticated animals at our service are dependant on us just as we, who live in God’s house, are dependant on His bounty mercy and care. In ancient days, when people were close to their farm animals, a farmer knew that a well taken care of and loved animal would be more docile and productive.

How unlike the wicked who mercilessly kills and devours man and beast for his own pleasure. His mercies (Hebrew text: feelings) are cruel because they are self-centered. He does not give his life for his friends; rather he gives his friends for his Iife. His dominion is not tempered with mercy and he runs his animal to the ground.

A spiritual leader is compared to a shepherd. Sheep are dumb and man-dependant. How fitly then is the gaging of righteousness by our attitude towards animals. A shepherd of God’s people has to bring in the law, the rules; he has to expect productivity and obedience as per the Word, but he also has to temper the wind for the shorn lambs and gently lead those that are with young; carry the lambs in his bosom. A shepherd is to know the state of his flock; how can he lead them otherwise if he doesn’t know their needs and problems, the issues troubling them in their souls?
As parents also and as teachers, we fall in the same categories as pastors and need to apply these same virtues on Yahweh’s flock.

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